Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow-pocalypse, Part Deux

Well, for those of us who don't have real jobs, the snow storm was a little bit different. The Queen, for example, was able to frolic in Hyde Park while ExPat made the treacherous journey to the City. The Brits were out in huge numbers, making snowmen and having snowball fights. It was like Lollapalooza for snow. 

There are several reasons why I know that it doesn't snow often in London:

1. Everyone was carrying around umbrellas instead of wearing winter hats
2. No one had picked up our garbage this morning, and the post office was closed
3. All of my co-workers who work
 in the building next door (we are imaginary friends through my window) did not come to work today
4. I saw three people slip and fall on the sidewalk
5. Evil Dog owners in Hype Park kept throwing snowballs to their dogs to see if they could catch them. Seriously, why do they do that?

The Queen can only hope that tomorrow will prove another lovely, snowy day. 


  1. Sorry it is affecting you guys so negatively but secretly kind of happy you guys are getting a little taste of the weather back home.

    Pitchers and Catchers report in 2 weeks. I feel warmer already.

  2. I am a self-admitted snowball-to-dog or rather, "snowball-at-dog" thrower. It is comedy at the highest level. I also enjoy throwing a snowball into a deep snowbank and watching as they dig around in said snow-bank for the next 5 minutes trying to "find" it.

    Keeping it in perspective, I also play online video games (with Ex-Pat Pat)designed for 13 year olds and thought the funniest Super Bowl ad was the guy taking the snowglobe to the junk...
